Rev. Arlene Tatum
IRM Founder & President
International Reconciliation Ministries is devoted to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to "the poor, the brokenhearted, the captives, the blind and the bruised" (Luke 4:18). Pastor Arlene Tatum is the visionary founder and director of IRM, who has taken the Gospel of salvation to people the world has forgotten. God has opened countless doors of opportunity in the United States and overseas for her to share how she received the Lord's forgiveness and experienced healing in her life and relationships through God's amazing grace. Since 2005 she has taken this message of hope to thousands of prisoners in Rwanda who participated in the genocide in that war-torn nation. As Arlene has shared the good news that they can be forgiven for their crimes, these men and women experience the joy of being reconciled to God, and they also begin the journey of seeking the forgiveness of family members who witnessed the deaths of their loved ones at their hand. Arlene has also made it a priority to distribute thousands of Bibles and discipleship materials to those who receive Christ as their personal Savior. This is truly a work of the Holy Spirit in Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya through this humble servant, which is why we want to encourage you to support Pastor Arlene and IRM with your prayers and financial gifts.
Pastor Ron Swor
Pastor James Walton
Dr. Jeremy Wallace
Canby Foursquare Church

Arlene & IRM Africa Vice-President Dr. Alfred Mupenzi
The beginning of this very unique ministry
On my first trip to Rwanda in 2005, the Lord began opening a door of opportunity for me to do prison ministry. After returning home to America, God gave me the first message He wanted me to share with the men and women prisoners. On my second trip to Rwanda in July, 2006, the Lord opened the door further with government approval to visit Ntsinda Prison. I was told that this prison was the largest in the world at that time, with almost 11,000 prisoners, 80% of them involved in the 1994 genocide. It was the beginning of this very unique ministry, designed by God's own hand.